Name of Journal: AL Muaz
Journal Frequency: Quarterly
ISSN Online: 3006-0338
ISSN Print: 3006-032X
Language: English.
Name of Publisher: Al-Nasr Research Institute
Review Type: Double Blind Peer Review
Area of Publication: No
Scope of Journal
The journal is multidisciplinary publication covering all areas of Islamic learning and related branches of knowledge including subjects such as Quran, Ḥadīth, Sīra, Fiqh and Islamic Law, Sufism, Philosophy and theology, Classical and contemporary Muslim thought and issues related to Islamic Republic of pakistan and othe Muslim societies.
The journal aims at addressing the issues related to Islam and Muslims. It welcomes the manuscripts dealing with range of areas mentioned above and presenting the reflections useful in global and Pakistani context.
The journal accepts the submissions in three languages (Urdu, English and Arabic). If you are considering submitting an article to the Journal, please take a careful notice of the Journal's requirments about its scope and refferene style etc.
Aims and objectives of Al-Muaz include:
-to encourage advanced scholarly research on contemporary issues of the modern era, in addition to the traditional approach to various branches of Islamic learning on Islam, which aims at a legitimate Islamic verdict on complex social, individual, and scientific issues.
-to help academic researchers get their writings published in all domains of religious studies in general and Islamic studies in particular.
-to deliver analytical reviews on the latest books and other academic materials.
-to publish articles after the blind peer review process, which is carried out by leading specialists in Islamic & religious studies in order to enhance the Islamic scientific research which addresses the issues faced by our societies.
-to develop diversity, tolerance, and fruitful scholarly discussions among researchers without any ethnic, national, or religious discrimination. So Al-Muaz welcomes scholars from around the world to submit their scholarly contributions to our platform.
Name of Journal: AL Muaz
Journal Frequency: Quarterly
ISSN Online: 3006-0338
ISSN Print: 3006-032X
Language: English.
Name of Publisher: Al-Nasr Research Institute
Review Type: Double Blind Peer Review
Area of Publication: No